Unit 9
Sing a Song of People
Everybody seems to be in such a hurry
these days! I wonder why?
Sing a song of people
Walking fast or slow;
People in the city,
Up and down they go.
People on the side walk,
People on the bus;
People passing, passing,
In back and front of us.
People on the subway
Underneath the ground;
People riding taxis
Round and round and round.
People with their hats on,
Going in the doors;
People with umbrellas
When it rains and pours.
People in tall buildings
And in stores below;
Riding elevators
Up and down they go.
People walking singly,
People in a crowd;
People saying nothing,
People talking loud.
People laughing, smiling,
Grumpy people too;
People who just hurry
And never look at you!
Sing a song of people
Who like to come and go;
Sing of city people
You see but never know!
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